Dyvixion Core

The most powerful interactive software tool for documenters and product owners. Create an infinite amount of configurations with the modules in the library. Choose the right revision for each module, and create step lists to explain specific tasks such as maintenance procedures, replacement procedures, or assembly procedures.

Create events based on machine error or warning codes, and link the correct step lists to these events. Select the item that causes this event and make give it a highlight. This means that you can localize the problem part very quickly, and work with the predefined step list to solve the event.

See what's included in the Dyvixion | Core.

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Responsive websiteSmart industry documentation  | Software

Which step list will you create?

Create once and reuse indefinitely

Short overview

The video will briefly show some features such as:
- Interactive 3D environment
- Libraries
- Steplists
- Etc.

Contact support to discuss your case and we'll help you with advice about our products and wich one will be the best for you.

Software Demo


Create high quality detailed instructions. Visualize assembly processes or replacement processes, and much more! Support your visual steps with highlights, warning symbols, tool symbols, or text.

- High quality instructions
- Level of detail is equal to your own 3D models
- No more operator errors due to mixing up steps
- Interactive 3D environment
- Compatible with desktop and mobile screenformats
- Modular structure
- Interactive effects
- Multi-layer USP visuals


Nothing is more frustrating than having vague instructions. Not everyone's imagination is the same, which can lead to  many differences in final assemblies.

- Visually and clearly show procedures step by step
- Support the visual steps with technical requirements such as    torque or specific tools
- Keep the step lists consistent by having one single source


Tired of telling new employees how to efficiently check machines using check lists? Use the machine to automate this work for you. Create a manual once, and reuse it every time again!

- Make consistent step lists that can be accessed from      anywhere
- Visualize the exact location of event emitting parts inside the     machine
- Integrate these step lists into the machine's HMI

Smart industry | manual symbols library


The software's library consists of 3D and 2D items. The 3D items are your original 3D models that have been imported into Dyvixion. The 2D items are a collection of (warning) symbols that can be used to support each step.

- Wide variety of warning symbols
- Wide variety of tool symbols
- Easy to use, just drag and drop

Responsive website

Original Hierarchy

While importing your 3D models into the Dyvixion software we save your original hierarchy. This prevents any kind of confusion that may arise from differences in model hierarchies.

- Easy to recognize your parts
- Keep your own hierarchy structure
- Keep original sub assemblies

Smart industry | 3D documentation hierarchy
Create step based 3D manuals

Create steps

Quickly create steps by moving, rotating, highlighting, or hiding items in the interactive viewport. Give your step a name and hit the save button. How easy is that?

- Quickly move and rotate items
- Highlight items in the viewport
- Hide items in the viewport

Responsive website

Create Events

Send error / warning codes directly to Dyvixion and link it to an event. Within the event you can give it a name and description, and highlight the corresponding item in the viewport.

- Directly read machine error / warning codes without 3rd party conversions
- Visually locate the event emitting item in the viewport
- Add a visual event arrow for quick item location
- Link a step list with a solution

Create interactive events for machine HMI's

Dyvixion core

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